Two-week Snowy Days

Aha! It was a quite long winter this year in Calgary. It almost been two weeks snowing. Well, it was really cold in several days.Like this Tursday, I went to The Panorama Hills e-Community Centre with my friends. It was a big snowy day at night. I almost die 'cause it was so cold! However, my friend was surprised. He told me it wouldn't be such cold outside. Although, I went to bed without takin any coat off at that night.
In despite of it was cold and freeze those two weeks, winter is my favorite season in fours. I liked to go for a walk under snows. It was amazing that my spirit was calmed down when it was snowy.
I like snowy days; besides, I love rainny days, too. When I was in junior high school, my friends and I usually rided bicycles to everywhere. Mom was worried about if we would get a cold, but that were my friends and I. We were happy to stay in junior high school.
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