It's a silent night. I'm sitting beside the window reading novels. Then a strange mind comes up without omens: how the world will be as if there is a disaster likes the one shown in movie- the day after tomorrow? Would I become frightened if the disaster broke the silence of this peaceful night? I'm not sure if I can survive by myself in a horrible condition as 'the day after tomorrow' show. All these ideas come through in a flash. However, there is nothing unusual, and I am able to continue my novel which calls 'Jamaica Inn'.
It is a nice book actually- both the setting and charactors. I found some good sentences in the book; for instance, 'something was not as it had been; some sound was missing that must account for the silence;' & 'Peace is very hard to find in the nineteenth century. The silence has gone, even on the hills. I hoped to find it in the church, but its teaching is false.' As the words themselves, language is amazing I think. Sometimes words describe things as well as the pictures do. Also, i found that language is beautiful while reading sentence like this: ...I can't stop you, but keep that face, which I have kissed and shall kiss again, away from danger. This kind of descriptions is usual in novels, but it give you different feeling when you appreciate it in a different language. I'd like to recommend this book to my classmates who haven't read it yet. Enjoy it (and don't worry, I'll return the book to Ducette Library right away this week, so you guys can read it later.)
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