A painting of Bowness Park

Yeah~I have finished my painting about the sights of Calgary Bowness Park ( the one that I went last Saturday)!
My friends, who come from Calgary Family Church, and I usually spend time outside together, and pray to the Lord on Saturday mornings. Actually, meetings on Saturday, we call them student's fellowships. It's primary for we students who may be too shy to pray to the Lord usually^ ^
For last Saturday, we met each other in Calgary Bowness Park. It was a sunny day; however, much cold by noon. We'd been freezed by staying outside, but the sights there were beautiful. There was a river which flowed smoothly, and a lot of carpolites surround it. I was attracted by those carpolites. I like to collect stones from childhood. That's why I'd ever imagined to be an geologist. I was lucky, and I found a small carpolite which was like a triangle that day. There were also nice groves in Bowness park.
All the sights I saw had an attraction for me. I decided to paint when I got home. It took me several hours to finish this painting. I was glad even though it was quite different than what I thought at the beginning.